
Will my cat torture my hamster?

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i am keeping my bedroom door closed because my hamster is in there and i don't want my cat to get in there and torture it. i am scared my cat will get jealous because all the attention wont be on her. should i let her in because she seems very curious to see whats in there.




  1. My cat was afraid of my hamster when I had one! Some mouser she'd be! Let your cat see it if it's in a cage, I don't see any harm. See how the hamster reacts to the cat, if it's not scared it should be fine.

  2. The kitty will probably watch it, but I doubt she'll get jealous. Just make sure that the cage is secure. You never know, though. Maybe they'll be friends. :-P

  3. You could try letting your cat in there when you are with them, but not alone. If you let them alone together, the cat could hurt the hamster. So when you aren't with them, you should keep the door closed. If your cat gets lonely because of that, just make sure you give them equal amounts of attention.  

  4. Cats in nature eat and kill rodents and birds. Your cat will think your hamster is a snack. Don't let it have access to your hamster. Its just a cat's instinct. It may just "play" with it and end up killing it and won't even eat it. We keep our cats away from our small rodents. Good luck.

  5. if the hamster is in his cage, the cat shouldn't be able to harm it. but make sure the door on the cage is closed, my cat murdered my hamster then showed it to me...

  6. Well Have a stern  cage that will be hard to break

    Let your cat meet him make sure the hamster is in the cage and make sure you are holding  the cat at the first times because it looks like a mouse or a toy and FOOD!

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