
Will my chicken egg survive with a crack.?

by  |  earlier

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i just gotten a fertile chicken egg from a family friend. i dont have a incubator so i put the egg in a glass sphere bowl. underneath of it i put to dry wash cloths. i rotate it three times today. and i recently found a crack in the egg. nothing comming out or anything but i just want to know will my egg survive. it's the first day of the egg being layed. i also keep it warm with a hot bilb light and keep the temp to 100 degrees.




  1. I think you might need another egg. I don't think that one will survive. The shell helps to protect the membrane from drying out. Do you have any water in the  bowl with the egg? It needs a certain level of humidity in there as well.

    I do hope it survives for you.

  2. It may not since you dont have the proper things to take care of it.

  3. Well only time will tell. I would think that if the crack is not that bad then it should be ok....because the membrane is what is feeding it and keeping it alive and safe. Good luck and take care of that little chicken egg!!

  4. If it is already cracked on the first day,I dont think it will make it the needed 21 days.It will most likely dry out.

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