
Will my child get sick? I was in a hurry to pack their lunch. I sent them to school with raw chicken.?

by  |  earlier

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I am afraid the police may show up for child abuse.




  1. Yes!, go down to the school or call the school and let them know what you did. Tell them you'll bring them take out. You know about salmonella right.

  2. I would be on the phone to the school asking them to get the lunches and bringing the children a new lunch instead of on yahoo answers.

  3. yes stupid they will get sick get ur butt down to the school and fix it

  4. I doubt they would eat the raw chicken?  Are there reasons for the police to show up at your house for child abuse?  If they do eat the raw chicken they could get sick.

  5. oh my god call the school and get the lunches taken away from them. Raw chicken could seriously make them ill if they eat it? How on earth did you make it with raw chicken is this a joke?

  6. wtf you packed raw chicken? Hopefully they have more common sense than you and they don't eat. It's doubtful though because what's in the root is in the fruit.

  7. Well Raw chicken is bad for them but I doubt the police will come

  8. If you're concerned about your children being sick you should be heading over to the school and taking the food away, saying you gave them raw chicken and didn't realize it until after you sent them to school.

  9. If it's raw chicken it will def make them ill bout only 4 about 24 hours jus dont feed them anything and give them lots of fluids. Dont worry bout the police no1 will no jus u they mite of not eaten it anyway it won't taste very nice!

  10. Ever hear of Salmonella?  Yeah if they eat the chicken they will get very sick.  Some even die from Salmonella poisioning.  Will the police show up...well when you take them to the hospital form Salmonella poisioning either they will tell the doctors (or you will) that they ate raw chicken...yes this would be considered abuse and the hospital by law will not be able to return your children to your custody...children's services will be called.  Next time don't be so lazy and cook the chicken first.

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