
Will my childrens savings effect my benefits?

by  |  earlier

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if i am on benefits and my children received some inheritance will this effect my benefits




  1. Many years ago I applied for income support. I was visited at home by the DHS and they emptied my child's piggy bank and counted the money.

    Not sure now what they do but they will try and have something off you.

  2. They will ask how much money your children have, although there is a certain amount which isn't taken into consideration.  Understandably some people would put their savings in their children's names to maximise their benefits and they have to be sure that this isn't happening.  As another answerer has said, the Citizens' Advice Bureau will be able to tell you.

  3. The correct answer is no  if your on income support as you are only applying for you and the children you will apply for child tax credit.  

  4. If it is over a certain amount the answer is yes - you would need to check the amount though because I can't remember what it is.

    Local Citizens Advice Bureau will tell you in confidence - don't ring the benefits people - you may alert them to the facts and they will check deeper

  5. i dont think so it wouldnt be up to kids to look after themselves . your the one claiming not them

  6. Any new claim to Income Support awarded from the 6th April 2004 will not include child-related elements because support for children will be provided by Child Tax Credit (CTC). Families already on Income Support in April 2004 who have not already claimed CTC will be moved across to CTC at a future date. Any capital belonging to dependant children will be ignored for your benefit claim. You will claim Income Support (or JSA), this is no way affected by any savings your children have. You will be paid Tax Credits for the kids and savings do not count for a tax credit award

    see here and scroll down to 'Income and capital of dependants'

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