
Will my coach make me change my serving?

by Guest21532  |  earlier

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I am a good volleyball server, overhand.

But I just realized that I've been stepping in with my left foot when I serve, instead of my right foot.

I am right handed.

I am 14 and going into 9th grade.

Will my coach make me change it? That is, if I make the team.





  1. Your coach will probably not make you change the way you serve, but depends on your coach.  I serve that way, too!  It's ok, you won't have to change the way you serve, as long as you can serve over the net!

  2. your doing everything correctly......don't change a thing. if your coach changes the way you serve then have him examined cause he doesn't know what he's doing.

  3. You are actually doing the serve correctly.  You want to plant your right foot.  That is where you get your power.  If your right foot is planted, you will use all of the muscles of your body to get the serve over.  If you step with your right foot, you will only be using the muscles in your arm and shoulder.

    Will the coach change your serve?  I read some of the above answers.  As a coach, I will tell you that I will not change the serve when we get into the season if it is going in and winning points.  I will make changes before the season to make any server better.  I will not usually make drastic changes if the server has an effective serve.  But yes, the coach may change your serve.  It really depends on the serve.  If you are happy getting every serve in the court and the coach is not happy because you are not scoring points, a change will be made.  If you are regularly getting aces, your coach will probably not make a change.  

  4. no I dont think so

    Everyone has his/her own technique or style how does playing volleyball

    so if you keep doing it well he will not change you serve

    I do the same thing because I'm a left-handed but I hit with the right hand and I use my own style cuase I cant otherwise

    good luck

  5. That's how I serve and my coach doesn't care as long as I am getting them over the net.

  6. Why would he/she make you change it? That's how you do it. That's the same way I serve and my coach said that's right.

  7. As long as your serves are consistent your coach shouldn't make you change. When you serve right handed it is normal to step with your left first.

    It is good though to have another serve to fall back on incase you are having a bad day serving. I've played for over 20 yrs and have had to serve different a couple times.

  8. Why would your coach make you change the way you serve? I'm 15 and a sophomore OH/DS and I serve the same way as you. I start with my left foot a little in front of my right. Then I toss, make contact and step with my left foot, then kind of dragging my right. That is the right way to do it. Good luck!

  9. Thats the correct way to serve. i do exactly the same thing.

  10. thats how your supposed to serve.

    your coach shouldn't make you change the way you serve anyways. (:

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