
Will my cousins hate me if i tell them i do not believe in god?

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I have some family in Europe, and they are religious, do you think they would hate me/not respect me if i tell them i do not believe in god when i go there and visit?




  1. Honestly, if they are truly Christian, they will not hate you... they will probably try to share their faith with you tho.... but God is Love... and in love there is no room for hate.  

  2. I find things like this a bit pathetic because everyone has their own beliefs.  I don't believe in god either and I stand by what I believe in.  I am not afraid to tell others and you shouldn't either, because it's better to be truthful then to lie.  Having a guilt isn't always good.  Best of luck to you.  

  3. If they do, that says far more about their refusal to love, than it does about anything or any one else.

    Its wrong how often religion is a path to hate for the religious.  

  4. Who cares? You'll  have bigger problems than them.

  5. It's possible, but honestly, I'd be a bit surprised.

    Europe is less religious and generally more open-minded than the USA, but I'd still be on the safe side and not tell them out of thin air.  

  6. More than likely, yes. Religious nuts turn into savages when they hear that someone doesn't believe in their god.

  7. It's best if you don't tell them. My brother told my cousins I was an atheist and they all freaked.

  8. I think it would have to depend on the situation. I only told my cousin that i am an atheist. But most of my family could already tell due to my lack of attendance at church. My cousin was a bit suprised which was a bit akward for me.. And we had a long talk about it because he wanted to know why. Of course he wanted me to believe again but i told him that i already made up my mind. He still treats me the same way. thats all.

    So i think it really depends on the situation. regardless they are family and they should love you for who you are.  

  9. If they ask you, tell them. Otherwise let the topic be. But you should never have to hide or be ashamed of your beliefs. You don't have to argue with them, just tell them and any problems they have are theirs to sort out. If they insist on arguing, tell them that you respect their beliefs and have no desire to debate the topic.

    Not every religious person is completely intolerant of believes that aren't there own. Just like not every person that is intolerant is a religious person. It's not fair for you to judge them, let them speak for themselves.

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