
Will my dad getting a raise affect the family contribution of my financial aid?

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we are four in the house hold. brother, mother, father, and me. my brother and i dont work he is a full time high school student and i am a full time college student. together my parents make very little less than 18,000 a year. will my dad getting a raise affect my financial aid family contribution? what is the max income in order for family contribution to be $0?




  1. not likely, unless your mom rakes it in.  18K a year is very low income for a family of 4.  PS: The maximum pell grant went up for next year... so if you have an EFC of zero again you'll get about 4700 next year going full time.

  2. For one, it would effect the school year beginning August 2009.  If your dad's raise is less than $10,000 a year, then I sincerely doubt it would raise your EFC at all.

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