
Will my dads insurance cover?

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i got in an accident. it was the other drivers fault. i am 18 and the car is under my fathers name so is the insurance. i had the car for only 16 days. so will my dads insurance cover? please give me as much as info as possible. me and my sister are alos sore in the neck and back.can we sue her?she went under a red light. we have witness.




  1. It would be best to go directly through the other dirver's insurance since they were at fault.  They should pay for repairs to the car and your injuries under their liability coverage.  If they don't have insurance, then you should check your dad's insurance to see if he has uninsured/underinsured morotists coverage or (in some states) no-fault coverage.  

    Hopefully the at-fault driver has coverage.  If so, you shouldn't have to pay for anything.  If you have any problems with the other company, call your dad's insurance & let them handle it.

  2. Well, you didn't give enough info for any advice.  Can you sue?  It depends on what state you are in.  Will you win?  It depends on the accident.  If your witness was in the car with you, well, they're biased.  Does the other driver have coverage?  Were you listed on your dad's policy as a driver?  

    Go talk to your dad's agent to get these answers.

  3. Let your father handle it.

  4. A bit premature to be thinking about suit, don't you think?  You can however contact the other party's insurance company and let them know you may have been injured.  

    What state did the accident occur in? Just because you may have been injured, does not mean that you are entitled to monetary compensation. The bodily injury threshold requirements vary from state to state. Some are verbal, others are monetary, and still others require the injury to be "serious".

    What is your injury? Soreness is not an injury. Are you suffering from a soft tissue injury, herniations, bulges?  Are you even treating?  

    If you have collision coverage on the vehicle, then your father's policy should cover you for the loss assuming you are a listed driver on the policy.  You need to check the policy or discuss it with your agent/father.

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