
Will my daughter be allowed to participate in the High Holy Days during Army Basic Training?

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My daughter just started basic training in the Army at Ft Jackson, SC. Both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are during her basic training cycle. Will she be allowed to participate in the most important Jewish holidays, and will it affect her overall performance if she does?






  1. Every service recognizes and accomodates all religions (hasn't always been like this).  This has gone to the point of including Wicca in this group so the answer is yes, she will be given an opportunity to participate in some type of service.  She has the right attitude though, sometimes you will have to make concessions, say a prayer, and realize that God understands.  I seriously doubt whe will be able to fast though.  That would be unhealthy.  

    Also, she needs to realize that there will be times when she is on active duty where she will not be able to participate in traditional religious services.  War and duty does not stop or take a back seat to the observation of religion.  If it did, the Israeli's would have lost a war by now.

  2. if the holidays were so important to her and her family she would have signed to go to basic AFTER the "high" holidays

  3. More than likely she won't get to.  She will however be able to go to church or temple...I think that's what it's called.  I had a jewish guy in my platoon and on Fridays he was allowed to go to service.  It might have changed, I went through in 2001.  

  4. not sure what those holidays involve. but as long as it doesn't interfere with training. an army chaplain serves for all religions christian or not. if she asks to see one they will do what they can to arrange for her to honor the holiday.

  5. You Daughter may have the chance to participate in some form, but training will take presidence. I cant say she will be able to participate as she would when she was home, I very much doubt that she will be allowed. But, There are hundreds of chaplain in the military of just about every denomination you can think of, and a few you wouldn't believe... She has a good chance to be able to at least get something that she can use.

    Tell her thanks for the sacrifice of service from one military person to another...and good luck!

  6. Unfortunately no she will not be able to. When she signed the papers before being shipped it states that you are pretty much the property of the army and only the holidays that are at Majority will be allowed. If a solider is in basic during christmas there is a week break so that Drill Sergeants can spend time with family, but privates are not automatically allowed to go home, sometimes everyone is forced to stay at basic over the holiday while the DS are home celebrating. During basic they take everything from you in the purpose to break you down to pieces and then form you into a molded solider. If she refuses so that she can celebrate these holidays it is possible that she could be dishonrably discharged for insubordination

  7. not likely. she's government property now.

    but maybe.. if it falls on a sunday

  8. MINIMAL accommodations will be made.. if she is scheduled to take a test or train in some fashion.. that takes precedence.  Services may be offered, but she may not be able or allowed to attend.  

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