
Will my dentist be able to tell i smoked today?

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I'm going to the dentist tomorrow morning and i smoked a colt tonight and will he be able to tell.

i mean ive smoked the before and i used to do alot of weed like a month ago. will he be able to tell I'm just curious.




  1. probly not. not unless u dont brush your teeth or u burp by the dentist or u wear the same cloths that u smoked it.

  2. You can usually smell it on your breath, but you can also see the stains on the back sides of your teeth.

  3. It's possible...when you smoke, it gets in your hair and on your clothes...but it's also possible that he wont even notice at all!

  4. Most likely not.  

    If you were a steady smoker, your teeth would have a larger amount of tarter build up than a non smoker.  You would also have stains on the lingual (backs) of your teeth.  These stains can be from coffee or tea also.

    Don't worry.  I'm sure you'll be fine.

  5. yes,

    you get something called "green line stains."

    these are tiny green lines on your back teeth.

    they're impossible to clean, especially if you've smoked a lot of marijuana in your lifetime.

    you're screwed.

    sorry to be the one to break it to ya.

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