
Will my dog be okay with my baby?

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I have a chow-chow golden retriever mix! He is the sweetest little guy in the world! but...I'm due to have a baby any day now...does anyone have any experience with this breed and new babies?? Will he be okay? and how do my husband and I introduce baby and dog? He is a bit spoiled and mama's boy if you will!




  1. Good luck with that, my dog is a Westie and is also a mamma's boy so I know how that goes!  I don't have any children but I babysit often for friends and the dog is fine towards the babies while they are at my house, but the babies are scared of the dog (when he barks)...  All breeds of dogs are different but I would bet the dog will know the baby is part of the family and will become protective of the baby, in a good way!

  2. ya, has he been around other children in the past?

    have your husband bring home a blanket form the hospital and let the dog smell it so when the baby comes home the smell wont be such a surprise..

    just really keep the baby away unless your holding her/him.

    make sure you let them see each other!!! and have your huband bring him for extra walks and give extra treats, he'll be fine!

    (this has worked with my sister-in-law and cousin...

    sister-in-law has a shep/lab mix

    cousin- 2 boxers )

  3. Let him be a part of everything.  Let him see and sniff all of the baby stuff coming into the house.  Play recordings of babies crying so he gets used to the sounds.  Invite any of your friends who have babies to bring them over.

    When you bring the baby home, hold it in your arms and carefully let the dog take a look and a sniff.  He will probably be curious and a little unsure.  Whisking the baby (or the dog) away and forbiding the dog anywhere near it will only confuse the dog more and he will be more likely to resent the baby.

    Gentle exposure for short periods of time, gradually extended, should do the trick.  Talk sweetly to the dog, give him lots of praise and even a treat every time you bring the baby around, so the dog learns to associate fun, good things with the baby's presence.  When people come over to see the baby, ask that they stop and greet the dog first when they show up (keep a jar of treats by the door and have the guests give one to him when they come in.)

    It goes without saying that you and your husband will have to make the extra time and effort to spend time with the dog and reassure him that he is still a member of the family.

    Congratulations on your new baby!  I am sure eveything will work out great.

  4. I would definitely watch the dog with the new baby.  I understand how the chow chow in them make them one person dogs ( i own the same mix) they are sweeties  but kinda territorial.  Definitely watch them and praise him when he is good and tell him to back off if you get worried.  congrats!

  5. Introduce the baby to the dog when you get home from the hospital and really look at his reactions.   We had a Sheltie when I was pregnant with my first son and was told they were 'mean' to kids, so we were a little worried about her.   She absolutely LOVED the the point that nobody and I mean nobody could enter the house except my husband and myself!   She would bear her teeth and not let them in the door until we told her it was ok.   I have also owned many Chow mixes and they are the best dogs!   Very loving and 'maternal'.....just watch your boys reactions and trust your gut.

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