
Will my dog ever get better?

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My baby basset at 4 months old fell 4 feet onto concrete and landed on his shoulder. He didn't whimper or anything but he limped heavily. I took him to the vet 3 weeks later and they did a full exam - x-rays and all - and found NOTHING. They put him on anti inflammatory/ pain killers and told me to keep him down for 10 days. I did so and to no avail. He is now 8 months old and still limps. It's the worst right when he gets up from sleeping. He can't even go on walks for more than a couple blocks when he then will lay down and not get up. I know it's not healthy for him to lay around all day but I don't want him in pain! Any help I can get I appreciate it very much.




  1. Sounds like your dog is suffering from arthritis. This happened to my dog- she was hit by a car as a pup and broke a toe and developed arthritis very early on in that leg.

    Try talking to your dog about arthritis treatments like sashas blend- they really helped my dog and she went on to live a happy, pain free life.

  2. poor dog.. i hope he will get better soon..

  3. aww bless him thats so cute , if the vet says he's ok then he probably is

  4. you could always play little games inside.

    like play fetch with a ball.

    im sorry thats horrible.

    good luck xx

  5. I wish he could get well soon.

  6. Shoulder injuries can take a long time to heal. My friend has a Lab same age as yours, he's only just improving after about 4 months. He's had to have complete rest - no exercise except when he goes out to relieve himself. Forcing him to exercise, really isn't a good idea - he could be damaging the muscles each time you walk him.

    I would take him back to the vet and ask for them to re-examine him though. If you go to another vet, you'll have to have him re-x-rayed etc.

    It can be a long job & a shame when it's a young pup who should be running about.

  7. I agree with Belinda.

    but don't talk to your dog about it talk to a vet Lol.

    Sorry i couldn't resist!

    but really he may have developed arthritis....

    you should talk to a vet about it.

    Dr Frank's arthritis spray for dogs is really great too.

    Good Luck!

    Hope he gets all better.


  8. get a second opinion:at 8 months still limping, from an injury 4 months ago:I have a dachshund, who did not fall, but used to stop and lie down during walks.I went to a veterinary college, and had an MRI done.My dog wasnt lazy:he had a herniated disc in the neck.

    He had to have surgery:he is OK now

    X-rays dont show the discs in the spine.If the dog has even a bulging disc, he could have horrible pain.

    Try to get an MRI done on your Basset, the neck and thoracic area.

    He can be lame for months:i have a nerve pinched in my neck, the pain shoots into my left hand and fingers!

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