
Will my ears close up?

by  |  earlier

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My Ears at at a 2 Gage. I have to take them out for work. Will they grow over during my shift?

They are pretty new, Ive had them for about 2 weeks.




  1. they wont close up just cause you took it out for work.

  2. It only takes a few seconds for them to close. DON"T DO IT. YOU WILL DIE.  

  3. Dont take them out within the first 6 weeks! I did this 3 times and finnally learned my lesson, they will close up within minutes. You must always keep them in for the 6 weeks and then your able to remove to insert another earring if you want!!

    (DONT DO IT) They will close up

  4. i don't think that anyone understands that you have PLUGS. not regular earrings.

    since they are newly stretched, your lobes are probably really elastic, so depending on how long you leave them out, they may shrink and be tough to get back in.
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