
Will my employer have to contribute towards my apprenticeship once i'm 19 years?

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I started my mechanics apprenticeship when I was 16, it usually takes three years to complete so I would be 19 by the time I would finish. Does this mean that while I am 19 my emplyer has to contribute to the costs because it;s free untill the age of 18 OR is is free providing you started the course before you were 18 OR do they allow the final year being that most apprenticeships last 3 years!




  1. What is an Apprenticeship

    Apprenticeships are government-funded schemes designed for young people between 16 and 24 years. The Cambridgeshire Learning and Skills Council (LSC) funds the college's apprenticeship programmes.

    Sponsored Training

    Most of the funded training is for 16 to 18 year olds; there are limited places for 19 to 24 year olds, funding is reduced for this age group and employers are required to make a fee contribution.

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