
Will my feeder goldfishes ever have babies?

by Guest58817  |  earlier

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I have about 18 of them in a ten gallon tank they are about and 1 inch and also 1/2 an inch. They have some rocks and pebbles on the bottom of he tank, sticks, bubbles, a filter , 2 fake plants and a hiding spot. There is no predators to eat them. So will they ever have babies? If not, why not?




  1. no, the tank is way too crouded the rule of thumb is 1gallons each goldie(i dont go by that its dumb) but u need to get rid of some once you have atleast 4males and 8females they should breed in spring. u might have to add a hormonal chemical that u can get at a petstorre. hope i helped good luck=D

  2. First, goldfish need to be at least 3 years of age because that is when they reach sexual maturity. Any earlier than that and the female's eggs can become impacted, which is dangerous because that means they are stuck in their body and will begin to rot.

    Second, there is no way you can maintain the water quality in an overcrowded tank like you have. One goldfish needs 20 gallons and that is the minimum. Each additional fish needs 10 gallons. You would need a 190 gallon tank at least to keep these fish somewhat properly. There is probably so much ammonia and nitrate in your water because goldfish make a lot of waste. I hope you do weekly water changes and gravel vacuumings or these fish are choking on their own waste.  

    No, your fish will never breed because their environment makes them not want to breed. Here is a website that explains the basics of goldfish breeding and how to take care of eggs and fry:

  3. No way dude! Its too crowded in there! You have to get like a 55 gallon tank or a 60 gallon tank. Don't put normal tree stick in there and pebles from outside it'll raise your pH. Also your fishes are going to get stressed if you put them in there. So they can't mate in there.

  4. jeebus, 18 in a 10 gallon?

    "feeder" goldfish are common goldfish, aka they should get over 12" long. those 1" fish are babies themselves.

    they need at least a 1000 gallon pond, they'll die long before they get anywhere near their adult size! and they only breed as adults and either in very large tanks (over 150 gallons) or large ponds, ponds are best.

    rehome your fish or build a pond.

  5. Your "feeder" ( common) goldfish are cramped, and they will all die long before they ever reach the age of maturity (3 yrs).

    Don't listen to the first post. The rule of thumb is 30 gallons for the first common goldfish, and 10 for each additional. so your tank will need about 200 gallons. And the cost of that tank with no decorations, nothing but a glass tank, will equal= $400. Add some dechlorinated water with decorations, real plants, gravel, and a few hiding places= some very happy fish. Very happy fish= some very nice fry. Some very nice fry will equal= More money.

    So, you might not be so willing to breed your fish anymore. But if you really want to, than get another very shallow tank, maximum 6 inches all, or else you will crush the fry. 10 gallons will be okay, and when they grow up you will have o get another 200 gallons.

    To stimulate the fish to breed, raise the temperature a few degrees, and start feeding the adults live food, example daphnia, but don't feed the fish foods meant for fry. They will not eat it and the excess food will cause diseases. Then take a watering can filled with water the same ph and temperatures of the tank, and just shower the top with water. That will stimulate them to breed. Do partial water changes every other day, and hope for the best.

    Feed the goldfish fry live, newly hatched brine shrimp. When they get a bit older boil an egg and take the yolk part of the egg out and place it in the tank. siphon off any uneaten food, but be careful not to siphon up the fish.

  6. No, they need to be 5 years old and at least 8 inches. The tank is to small. There needs to be 50 gallons for every 2. I think you need to get a big tank/pond or take them back and get a 50 gallon tank for fancy goldfish. Also, to make them spawn you need to lower the water temp and remove the eggs or else the other fish will eat them, including the parents!

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