
Will my female baby ball python get big quick?

by  |  earlier

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if anyone wants to see my baby ball python and her setup gp to youtube and type BABY BALL PYTHON SETUP(WATCH)...........please comment and tell me what ya think......and answer my question above please=thanks




  1. Quick? They grow at an average rate but will decrease with unavailability of food. Provide good meals and healthy environment and she will grow. Females do not get as big as males and Royal Pythons in general are not the large.

  2. Females do tend to be larger than the males. There is a method called "power-feeding", in which you constantly offer food to the snake, usually feeding it a good meal twice a week or more. This is usually not a good idea, although it will grow larger, power-feeding will also shorten your snake's lifespan.

    With the usual one meal per week feeding, ball pythons grow roughly about a foot for the first three years. After that, they do continue growing, but at a much slower, barely noticeable pace.

    Feeding smaller meals more frequently will also help it grow faster than if it were fed larger meals less frequently.

    Also, your set-up seems very good; I'm glad you did your research.

  3. if you power feed her

  4. Hey there again =]

    Well you want her to grow quick? I don't think that is going to be happening. But she can grow a little bit better and I guess you could call it a little bit quicker.

    You just really have to take good care of her. Feed her once a week and maybe move her into a bigger tank(20 gallon long) and she should get bigger a little bit quicker then leaving her in a 10 gallon and only feed her once every two week(just saying)

    If anything you could feed her a bigger feeder but I just watched your video and wow, you did wonderful on the enclosure! I'm impressed! =]

    You really love her don't you? lol

    So long story short, just feed her a little bit bigger feeder and move her into a bigger tank and she should grow faster then someone(just a person) who put her in a 10 gallon and only feed her once every 2 weeks(even once a week)

    Snakes don't just grow over night though. They do take time just like any other animal. And truthfully, my "baby" red tail boa was barely 2 feet when I got her and 3 months later she was almost 3 feet...and I didn't even notice it until my friends pointed it out. So after a few months, she probably grew...and you wouldn't notice it. But don't worry, female ball pythons tends to get bigger then males(by only 6 inches or so though). But please just remember that snakes just like any other pet don't just grow over takes months and years. Also don't power feed(over stuffing them) your snake. It isn't good for them and there is a chance that they might get sick and die from it(hopefully not though) Patience is your best bet, and sooner or later you will forget about your snake growing =] I know I did.

    Feel free to email me if you need anything else =] And hope this helped!

    *the lady above is a little uneducated on snakes...females get ALOT better then males...and that is for all snakes.

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