
Will my financial aid drop if I do not pass a class with a 75%.?

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I am taking online classes from the University of Phoenix. I am also using financial aid. I slacked off for awhile in a class and am below a 75% with two weeks remaining and may not make the 75% mark for the final grade( I will be close though and will defenetily not fail). My cumulitive GPA is a 3.7, as I am also passing my other current course and have no problems with it. If I do not get the 75% in the course, will I have to pay for that course out of pocket?




  1. Usually passing a course is passing a course.  If you received federal financial aid to pay for your courses you only need to pass the course.  There is no percentage of your grade required that I am aware of, unless they consider 75% failing.

    Federal requirements include that you maintain a 2.0 GPA and that you complete 67% of the courses you take within an academic year.  

    What leads you to believe there is a 75% requirement in the grade of the class?

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