
Will my finger bones on my left hand (keyboard) change from pressure on them playing games?

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it feels weird, and stiff, and seems different in terms of flexibility compared to my other hand (mouse hand). Will my finger change shape? will the bone adapt? is that bad? if i had to pick, i would like both finger bones to be identical. what should i do then?




  1. It really depends upon how much more growth you are likely to undergo.  The most influence the gameplaying will have is on the Tendons and muscles.

    You might want to look up Carpal Tunnel Syndrome too.

    Meanwhile apart from having regular breaks in gaming you could try forcing a change in position, and if worst comes to the worst try a different game that requires a more sedate input.

    Something like Asceron's Patrician II is great for mixing a little action [more than you might think] with challenging trade scenarios.  Worked for Me ;))

  2. hmm im not sure if theyll change shape? never heard of that but you may develop arthritis if you abuse them using the keyboard excessively  

  3. Depends on what type of games your playing.. if your lucky you might get double jointed lol.

    To make sure you dont, try squeezing a tennis ball now and then, or clentching your fists over and over, stretch them etc.

  4. Do you ever heard about tennis elbow ? Same thing.

  5. if you feel weird, then take a rest.

    There's no point of dwelling in front of your computer almost the whole day.

    Go out, take a jog, do some exercises, that should at least ease your fingers as well as make your other body parts work.

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