
Will my goldfish live its full life?

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Ok so i have a 29 gallon tank 36 inches long "yea i know alot of surface area for a 29 gallon" and i got an aqua clear 30 gallon filter and a aqua clear 70 gallon filter. I also feed them freeze dried blood worms, peas and pro gold. I do a 25 percent water change once per a week and a gravel vac at the same time. Is all i have enough for 2 telescope fancy goldfish to live a full healthy life?




  1. Not in that size tank, sorry. Although you will have good water quality, they will still outgrow it. Goldfish can grow the size of dinner plate. The largest ever reported fan tail was 17 inches long! You have to imagine goldfish are round, not long, so he probably had a width of over 12 inches! 2 fish that size would not fit in a 29 gallon

  2. at first theyd fit but they grow pretty big

    lol but still if they can live half there lifespan in a 1 gallon bowl  without filtration im sure theyd live happy in that

  3. Should be OK, thats a sensible sized tank for a couple of fancy goldfish. They MAY get a bit big for it eventually, but it's not so cramped that it will stunt their growth fatally. If a fish could possibly grow to 6", and only makes 5" because the tank is a little small, it's not really going to affect anything. It should still live a normal lifespan.

    It's when they are stuffed in a 5gal and only get to 3" before the poor water quality kills them, thats a problem


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