
Will my grades be good enough for a level?

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I got my Gcse's results yesterday and i am really happy. I got an A* in double award chemistry, An A in DA biology, An A in DA physics and a B in maths very close to A though. i am looking to take these on At A level and hoped if anyone could guide me on how hard each of these are at A level.




  1. you're looking for attention, aren't you?

  2. i have done my first yr at maths it is quite hard most ppl including myself have failed it and what i have heard any sciences are hard the step up from gcse 2 alevel is quite big but with those grades u will probably find it a little easyer gd luck  

  3. Firstly, congratulations!

    Are you talking about whether you'll be accepted by a college to study A-levels?  If so, almost certainly, my school (a grammar school) let people study an A-level if they had a D in that subject or a related subject, so I'm sure you'd be fine.

    I assume you are asking, will you do well at A-level?  I was told at school that on average you can be expected to drop a grade from what you got a GCSE to A-level, e.g. an A in chemistry a B in Biology etc.  But obviously this is very vague and depends on the individual and their desire to do well.  Also I'm not sure if that changes with the potential bringing in of A* grades at A-level.

    Really well done, I'm sure you'll do great in whatever you decide to do x

  4. The science and maths are thought of as being not-easy subjects. But universities will see this and realise you didn't go for any easy subjects. You will be fine with your sciences.

    Maths, is thought of as the most difficult GCSE and even somebody with an A* at maths may find it difficult. With a B, I'm not sure you will achieve a really high grade at a level, unless you try really really hard. And maybe get a tutor or something.  

  5. hi.. they should be fine. every college/6th form is different. i needed 6 C and above to get into my college and studied Physics, Biology, Chem and English. so your grades should be perfect. i just got my A level grades back and am now hoping they are good enoughfor uni :S

  6. yeah ur grades will be good enough for the level. welll goodl uck finding ur best answer.

  7. Your GCSE grades are fine!!  Most schools require no more than a 'C'.  You will find that some teachers are staggerngly poor at arranging the cross over from GCSE to 'A' level.  This is deliberate, as it is much easier to only teach the really bright and motivated kids.  Don't tolerate this and scream like h**l if it happens.  GCSE are infinitely easier than the old 'O' levels, so makng the jump is harder. You may need a bit of extra tutoring to get you over the hump.  As far as I can see, despite the hilarious grading of 'A' levels, the subject matter still gets pretty intense.

  8. Congratulations!

    but I think that you need help in English composition.

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