
Will my hair grow back????

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Just this last summer I lost 30lbs over 2 and a half months. I am feeling a lot better, but I have experienced some hair loss :(

I'm a 19 year old male... and I went from 220 to 190 (I'm 6'3"). I am getting really depressed about this. It isn't noticable if I brush my hair the right way...but it is a personal blow to someone how had such thick hair. Even when my hair was wet, I never saw my I always see it along my "cow-licks" :(

I used some diet pills to help me lose all of this weight. This said pill has become very popular recently and is now advertised everywhere.

No one in my family (aside from my great grandfather on my mother's side) has ever been bald and he was only partially bald becuase he was in his late 70s...

Can anyone help me? What should I do?




  1. It is possible that you were not receiving the right amounts of nutrients required to keep a full head of hair.  I would strongly suggest getting on a multi vitamin-mineral suppliment for starters.  Drink lots of water, eat right (skipping meals = no nutrients), and you should be ok.  It is normal to lose about 50 hairs every day.  If you are still losing a lot of hair after taking the suppliment for 3 weeks, I would recommend seeing a doctor.  The hair loss could be a sign of other health issues that have nothing to do with your diet.

  2. Have you looked into what those diet pills list as possible side effects? I'd bet you hair loss is on there. My advice would be to quit the pills. See what happens with your hair.  And try and continue to lose weight/maintain what you've got with a normal diet and exercise, you shouldn't rely on pills forever.

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