
Will my hamster be OK after leaving her without food over night?

by  |  earlier

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Last night, I fed her, and I set the food bowl on her little table while I opened up her cage, but then I forgot to put the food bowl in! She spent all night in there without food! (actually, she probably had some stored with her, she always does). I did feed her some carrots and lettuce last night, so hopefully she didn't starve, but do you think she will die? Is she going to be OK?




  1. One night is not enough to kill a hamster but you might try buying Rodent Lab Blocks at your local pet store. Apparently they are very good for small critters, I even bought my mouse a pound and add a few every time I change his cage. (The cost is only 1.05/lb so they are also very inexpensive.) That way if you do forget to put food in the cage there will still be something to eat.

  2. she'll be fine,its one night

  3. She'll be fine. Hamsters don't have to eat 24/7 so don't worry about it. I used to forget to feed my old hamster when I was little, and she lived for 3 years which is appropriate. She won't die.

  4. She will be fine!

    Just give her the food today, maybe a little treat for her suffering(HAHA)

    But yeah she won't die overnight.

  5. the hamster will be OK you might have forgot to feed her last night but you said you fed her some carrots and lettuce so that is good and no she will not die and she will be OK.

  6. She'll live. lol

  7. She'll be fine, just extra hungry. Hamsters can go up to three days without food.

  8. Your hamster will be fine.  They always store food.  Just feed her today.

  9. of course!

  10. it would need food cuz hamsters most likly sleep during the day.. so just be more carefull and she should be fine. she wont die off of starvation just because you missed one night.

  11. its one night.. she isnt going to die..

    youd be surprised how long they can go without food.

    its  in there nature to stuff about half the food they eat in there cheeks anyway. she probably feasted on the extras :)

  12. lol she'll be fine, the same thing happend to my gerbil

  13. She will be perfectly fine. Hamsters are good at hiding surplus food in their bedding and nest, so she would have fallen back on her secret stock of foods in hiding when the food dish was not in the cage. Also hamsters are tuned genetically in the wild to go without food for a day or two, so your hamster would be perfectly healthy and fine even if she goes one day without food since they have an in built mechanism to survive without food for a day or two in the wild.

  14. She will be fine.

    hamsters always store food.

    they can go up to one week without food.

  15. can YOU live without food for a night?

  16. dont worry, shell be FINE hammys rarely ever eat out of food dishes.. they stuff it in theyre pouches and store it in their cage for later. she probably missed being able toi hide the food, but shell be fine =]

  17. My hamsters always store food.  That's what they do.  

    Your hamster is fine.  She had food stored in her cage.  

    She didn't's always good to let the hamsters eat up the stored food before you change the cage.  

    Rest assured, unless she goes 2-3 days without a food bowl, she's going to be fine with just one night without her food dish.

    I usually feed my hamsters like this...right after I change their cages they get food for 3 to 4 nights in a row..then they start getting fed every other night to help them eat up all their stored food.  That way, they don't have alot of food in there when it's time to change their cages again.

    Don't feed her too much lettuce, too much water content.  Carrots are fine though.

  18. its fine. sadly i have forgotten to feed my poor hamsters. its fine, just give her food again and leave the foodbowl in there from now on.

  19. give her some extra food then go where ever you need to go. The hamster will be fine.

  20. Ermm...I think she'll be

  21. she probably will be ok. just don't forget to do it again cuz thats when they are up, at night, and they usually eat and stuff

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