
Will my hamster get along with a new hamster?

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I have a female hamster and I have had her for two weeks now... when i got her she lived alone..... she is very sweet and hasn't bitten any one and even get along with my cats




  1. i wouldnt try it if they werent together when you got them. they often fight as they get older and can kill eachother.

  2. I agree with the previous answers. My brother got a hamster and i got one to at the same time. They lived in separate cages but i wanted to see if they could be friends. They tried to kill each other, so my answer is no. Especially if she lived alone to begin with.

  3. Probably not. They will most likely fight. Hamsters and most small animals only get along with a hamster from the same litter. Hamsters are also solitary and do best alone.

    You could get two and introduce them but don't house them in the same cage. You will have to get another cage.

    You could try it, but only introduce them while you're with them. Separate them at night and when your not there into different cages and keep a close eye on them.

  4. NO! hamster will fight to the death.

  5. prob not, hamsters fight till the death... because they are territorial... you can get another one and introduce it to your hamster and then keep it in another cage.

  6. hamsters do best when they live alone. they can be very territorial..even though she may be a nice hamster, if someone else is living in her space she will defend her territory by picking fights, very possible for her to hurt another hamster

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