
Will my hamster get wet tail?

by Guest64810  |  earlier

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She pees in her bedding sometimes and I am afraid she will get wet tail? Can anybody help me stop her doing this and give me advice?




  1. where are they sopouse pee in a litter box ?

    by the way u  are sutpid!!!!!! dur can u read

  2. my hamster always wees in his house where he sleeps, and he is fine

  3. when i had a hamster i use to clean out any visible wet spots daily. Just get a pair of latex gloves and go at it :]

  4. Wet Tail is pretty much and extreme case of diarrhea in rodents. the main causes are intestinal or digestive problems. your hamster wont get it from her urine. most bedding will absorb the urine. just make sure you clean her bedding every 5-7 days to keep the ammonia to a minimum. If your hamster does get wet tail, you can with but DriTail from your local pet store or go to a vet to get some medication. Wet tail is easily treated, so there is nothing to worry about.

  5. Hamsters get wet tail from unsanitary conditions and stress, it's normal for them to urinate in/or their bedding. It sounds like you are a responsible owner and are keeping her cage clean, I personally wouldn't worry.

    Wet tail occurs when there is a overgrowth of the natural occurring bacteria in the stomach and lower intestines. Diarrhea is one of the main (and most noticeable symptoms). Hamsters begin to show signs of wet tail about 7 days after the bacteria over growth occurs. Medical treatment (antibiotics) needs to be sought within 24 hours to avoid death.

    It sounds like you're on top of things already. If you ever notice any signs of illness in a pet of any sort, it's best to have them seen by a Vet asap.

    Good luck!!

  6. why would she get wet tail if she is peeing in her bedding? she will only get wet tail if shes kinda bleeding under her tail cuz my hamster had that

  7. 'Wet tail' is a very serious intestinal disease of young hamsters, which often causes death. It gets its name because the main symptom is diarrhea, and affected hamsters often have wet and dirty tails. It is caused by bacteria called Lawsonia intracellularis, which can also cause disease in swine, horses, dogs, ferrets, primates, and other animals. This disease does not appear to be transmissible to people.

    It sounds like you are doing everything right. Just keep changing her bedding as often as possible and feed her the best food you can afford. She should be fine.

  8. Why cant hamsters pee in their bedding? Mine does all the time and he hasnt had wet tail ever. Hes fine. They can pee in bedding. Whats wrong that?

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