
Will my health insurance change, too?

by  |  earlier

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okay, i started my job last june, and my health insurance didnt start until oct 31. shortly after finding out i had in vitro fertlization coverage, i was excited. well, today at work, a woman asked me about my insurance. apparently she has the same insurance plan as she told me that she checked with the insurance company about tubal reversal, and in vitro fertilization, and they told her that they used to cover tubal reversal and in vitro, but not anymore! i told the woman at work, that i wasn't informed on any changes on my insurance policy..she then said that the insurance rep asked her if she was a new employer or an old employee.....maybe the old employees are still covered? i just want to know if this is possible or is she trying to get me upset over this matter. i thought i would have to be notified if my health insurance changed. i really need to know what to do..thank you in advance for your answers.




  1. It's NOT likely that they have two different plans.  Or rather, if there's only ONE plan, it's going to be the same for everyone.   If you had a CHOICE of plans when you signed up, then her plan MIGHT be different from yours.

    I've found some good information here too...

    Hope that helps.

  2. When a person is covered by health insurance by reason of their employment, the employer is considered to be the policyholder -- not the individual employees.  As policyholder, the employer is legally capable of changing the benefits offered via the plan.  However, a benefit that's mandated by applicable state and/or federal law cannot be removed.  Some employers tell employees about benefit changes and others do a very poor job indeed of this.  Each year the plan is renewed, new benefit booklets should be offered that explain the benefits for the coming plan year.  Ask your benefits department at work if they have the new benefit booklet.  

    It shouldn't matter whether a person is a long-time employee or a new one; the same benefits must be offered to each similarly situated employee.

  3. Every year at renewal you should receive an information packet about what your plan covers. Sometimes the language can be misinterpreted so don't believe everything you read. Every time you get a procedure done you should always call the insurance company to see if you need authorization. Sometimes the doctor's office will call for you, but I also recommend to call the insurance company yourself. Always get their name and a confirmation #. You should never get any procedure done without checking if you need it preauthorized this will let you know if it is covered ahead of time.

  4. Insurance companies sometimes change the policy without telling any of its customers. Best thing to do is call the insurance company, give them your information, and see what the deal is.

  5. Contact either your human resources department or call your insurance company. The benefits are the same for all employees. The insurance company may have changed what procedures are covered and what procedures are not covered but documentation is provided to your employer who should then pass it along to you.

    Normally, a company provides a  Summary Plan Description (SPD) or Benefit Booklet at the beginning of each calendar year so a new Booklet may just be coming out now.

    Another employee is not a creditable source of information. The HR department or the insurance company knows what is covered by your plan. Good luck.

  6. Every year you should get a new certificate of coverage and summary of coverages through your employer. Call your human resources department and ask for a copy of the policy provisions and confirm if the plan has changed since you went on it in October. Health insurance has become so expensive, that many employers are choosing plans with less coverage to control costs. I don't know why you would think that your co-worker gave you wrong information. Why would she want to upset you? just check out the facts for yourself! Good luck!

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