
Will my husbands inheritance be taken by Friend of the Court?

by  |  earlier

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My mother in law has just passed away, she retired from GM and had life insurance thru them.

My husband owes some back child support for a son he had long before we had met. they already take his tax returns, and 75% of his weekly pay.

we were hopeful this insurance policy would help us catch up on our bills and rent, but are concerned that the money from the policy could be taken for child support too.

does anyone know for sure???




  1. He may be under court order to report and turn over any windfalls like this. Even lacking such an order, back child support and any interest and penalties is not going to go away. He might as well just pay any past due child support amounts and then use the rest to pay off other debits.

  2. Feel sorry for your problems, but must say I think any transaction over ten thousand dollars is reported to the IRS. But on the other side life insurance is not taxable if payed on death. Just a guess.

  3. Well if he is having 75 percent of his pay taken then he must owe quite a bit. And yes most state allow the seizure of insurance for child support.

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