
Will my insurance go up for a careless driving ticket in new jersey

by  |  earlier

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the situation: i went through a yellow light 'tailgating' another car. i received a warning for tailgating which would have been 5 points the officer said, and he said he was letting me off the hook by giving me an 85 dollar careless driving ticket. he didn't say anything about points or insurance, and i paid the ticket right away the next day before the officer even had a chance to drop off his ticket stub. 4 days later, i received a notice in the mail from an eterny asking if i'd like to be represented in court to fight the ticket? is my insurance going to go up or something? someone please help. the municipal building is closed and im impatient




  1. It is a 2pt ticket. If you had fought it you could have had the points dropped and just had to pay the fine and court costs. Since you already paid it I don't know what else you could do. Yes your insurance will go up even if the points were to be dropped from your license, you will still have them as insurance points.

  2. Yes your insurance rates will go up next year. Next time try disputing ticket in court, with or without an attorney. For advice on how to do it in court on your own, see the blog spot

  3. I worked in auto insurance for a short time. The reputation was that NJ and NC and NY and CA were the hardest on people and hence higher rates.

    That ticket may affect your rates. I'm not sure. It's been a long time. But, the attorney is probably getting the list of tickets either from the cops or registry That is not something the atty is supposed to do. They aren't supposed to contact people directly that they know need representation for work.

    Paying it is like an admission.

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