
Will my kitten attack my rabbit?

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I have a kitten and recently we've got a cat ,will the cat attack the rabbit or they'll get on ?




  1. Ok I am confused...

    did you recently get a cat or a rabbit?

    Cats play fight.. so it most likely will pounce on it...(cat or rabbit) but the rabbit or cat can defend it's self so don't worry...

  2. It would be really difficult to say. It depends on your kitten really. If she has not been exposed to rabbits before when she is between 2-7 weeks old (prime socialization period), your kitten will most likely not take your new rabbit as a friend, more like dinner. So, I would cautioned you on this. Even if your kitten seems to be ok with the rabbit, you should never ever leave them alone together. Always supervise their session and keep your rabbit in a cage when your kitten is around.

  3. Hahaha! More like the other way around! I got a kitten once, a long time ago. The kitten cornered our mini-lop in some kitchen cabinets. All the kitten did was sniff the rabbit out of curiosity. POW! The rabbit walloped the kitten with a genuine rabbit punch! Don't worry, though. If you introduce a kitten to a young or older rabbit, they will get along alright. We even had a rabbit (my first!) fall in love with another one of our cats. Every time the cat came into the kitchen, where the bunny lived, he would come flying toward her & screech to a halt in front of her, tail up, head down, in proper bunny greeting, like he was GLAD to see her! All he would get for his pains would be a hasty l**k, l**k on his head, then she would haul butt out of the kitchen. Rabbit was left with a look on his face like, "Gee, whiz, where'd she go?" An unrequited love...

  4. Depends on the breed and age. Some cats will have fun pouncing on it but others could care less.

  5. Our cat's catch the wild bunnies around here.  I wouldn't recommend putting your kitten and bunny together.

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