
Will my kitten automatically know how to use the litter box?? ?

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we're adopting her from the shelter and shes just over 2months old. When i bring her home am i going to have to somehow train her?? or do they automatically know how to use a litter box??

its my first cat. and i thought they automatically knew how for some reason.




  1. In the shelter, she has probably been in a cage with a litter box.  However, if she doesn't, take her to the litter boxx as soon as you get her home, hold her lightly over the litter and drag her feet through it.  That way she will know where her litter box is located.

  2. they pretty much know how to use the litter box. just make sure you show her where it is

  3. When you get her, show her where the food bowl, water, litter box, etc. is and they will usually figure it out from there. put her in the litter box and move her paws around like cats scratch at it when they are using it.

  4. I tnk cats instinctively dig a hole and cover smelly "waste".  

    Before you bring it home, have a litter box set up.  When you being it home, put the litten in the litter box, first thing.  It will know there is "someplace" to cover it's "dirt".  You could restrict the kitten to the room where the box is, or a few rooms near the box.  That way it will be more familiar with that room and where to find it before it branches out into the rest of the home.

    At the shelter, the kitten had a litter box, so it should know how to use one.  There is a chance it will be defiant and you may have to train it a little.

    Good luck.  : )

  5. make sure you show her where the litter box is, set her in it. once she knows where it is, she should automatically go in it. its instinct for a cat to go to the bathroom in dirt or sand, so they can bury it afterwards, so most cats know naturally to use the litter box. (i would, however, suggest putting a mat down beneath it or getting a hood to cover it. some cats are very messy when they pee and they throw litter everywhere, also some cats like privacy.)

  6. was always told the mother taught them to use the box.

  7. They probably taught her how to use the litter box (im sure it's a requirement the shelter must do before adoption)

  8. What I did was, right when she was about to p**p or pee I picked her up and ran her over to the litter box and let her finish there. If you keep doing that, they'll know.

  9. no

  10. Usually shelters potty train them in my experience, but we had to teach my last kitten how to use it. More of my mom trained her, haha. When the kitten went pee somewhere she wiped it up and put the paper towel in the litter box and from there she knew to go. O_o Sounds weird, but it worked. My geriatric cat never learned how to use the litter box, but when she was ill and had to stay inside she knew how to use it so I don't know.  

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