
Will my leopard gecko finish shedding?10 points best answer.?

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ok so i went to go get some crickets for my leo.while i was gone he was shedding.when i got back he was not done with the tail.but i fed him and now he wont go back and finish.will he finish later?




  1. Leopard geckos need humidity to help them to shed. Get a plastic bowl, but a hole big enough for him to get in and out. Put it face down on a damp paper towel.  He should go in it and that will help him to shed. If you don't, he could lose his feet due to cutting off of circulation and he can even go blind. Just make sure he has that and he will be fine. It's up to him when he will finish.

  2. i have done some research and he won't...what you need to do is spray him with some water and finish peeling it gently until it is gone...leave the skin in his cage because they eat their skin after shedding because of the vitamins and minerals in it.....

  3. Yes he will. I had a Lepard Gecko and it would take her awhile to shed. Sometimes you may have to help it around its tail and toes and feet. Although you may not see the skin in the cage, because they actually eat it for protein and vitamins. It's pretty cool. They are able to reach around and grap they're skin and pull it off. You shouldnt be afraid to help it though. They wont bite. Mine never got agressive she was very sweet and always wanted to be held. Hope this helps alot.


  4. Leopard geckos will sometime's get parts of their shed stuck due to lack of humidity. If your humidity, heat, substrate, and diet are right no parts of the old shed will stay after he is done. If he doesn't finish soak him in luke warm water up to his stomach for 20-30 mins and gently remove the piece by hand. Then check your parameters.

  5. yea it;ll just take a while

  6. He'll finish but as he grows he'll continue to shed. I want a leopard gecko!


  7. Yes he will finish All together in about 3 to 5 days

  8. My brother-in-law has the same thing and yeah it took his a while to shed all the way but it finally did. So most likely yours will too!

  9. Sure, why not?

  10. yea it takes a couple days to shed he'll be fine.

  11. yes. and everyone knows there is 10 pts for the best answer all mighty giver of points for this question.

  12. he will eventually get to it =]

  13. it will stop eventually. and stop taunting me with your points!

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