
Will my lie catch up with me when I apply for EU citizenship?

by  |  earlier

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If i don't admit in my EU visa application what countries I had lived in before, but they run a background check on me while I apply for a citizenship in one of those countries, will the lie eventually come out?




  1. if they do a background check on you they will find where you've been.

    if you lie about it, then they are very unlikely to give you a citizenship because you are not telling the truth in your application, what else are you not telling them?  

    You could be a terrorist, and the world is more wary of them, of course, so they would not take the chance.

    Would you go out with someone that you found out had lied to you about something important?

  2. Yes they do a background check and they found out things you would never imagine they would know. Be careful you dont want to ruin your chances

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