
Will my life ever get on track?

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I am twenty three years old. I live with my parents because my apartment burnt down. I have a restricted license due to a DUI. And I have been single for quite some time with only 1 booty call.

It feels like I will never be happy with my life or content with anything....All I want is a nice career, A beautiful girl, A small handful of good trustworthy friends, and a tiny bit of cash to do what ever I want in life. I have dealt with depression allot in my life and have tried medication with no avail cause of the way it made me feel (like a zombie) What the h**l am I doing on earth!?!?!




  1.  honestly, it's a really good site

  2. First off, you're only 23. It's not over You have lots of time to get on track but you have to take steps now in order for that to happen. Set some goals and then go reach them. It's really that simple.Put them on paper. Set goals for tomorrow, next week, next month and next year.  If you're dealing with depression and meds don't work, try something else. Have you changed your diet? Do you work out? Do you make time to do something you really enjoy?

    Your apartment burned down. Now you know to get renters insurance next time. Lesson learned. Save up some money and get another apartment!

    You got a DUI. Again, lesson learned. Don't drive drunk...EVER. Period. Pay your fines, get your license back in order and never make that mistake again. Period.

    Are you in school to achieve this nice career? If not, get to it. No time like tomorrow to check into what you need to do to make school a reality.

    Knowing what you want is half the battle. Being able to get there is the other half. What are you doing on earth? Standing halfway between where you were and where you want to be. Just take the next step towards your dreams and eventually, you'll look around and wonder why you didn't take the steps earlier.

    Good luck :)

  3. no pain, no gain. some people's lives r worser than others. so therefore those who isnt really fortunate will have to work harder as individuals. sitting around doesnt bring a nice career, a beautiful girl, friends, or money to u. u need to work for it. and u cant give up just like that. even if u DID suffered ur whole lifee and beent through things people havent gone through. that makes u more experienced and have more courage than other people. remember that. ur still alive after all this, why give up now? start by the bottom working ur way up. find a job, get to know ur co workers, and it jsut starts from there. pretty soon before u even think about it, it'll all go in the same track again.  

  4. whats your sign =birthdate? Horoscope compatibility works..

    We are here to find God and obey Him so we can live again....sorry ive been hurt many times....SEEK God and He can help you if you do...


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