
Will my lionhead bunny get hurt or die if i take him on a plane??

by  |  earlier

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i have to take my bunny to hamilton its not a long flight only 4.5 hours but im worried for his safety and if its dangerous i will leave him with a friend ....will he be ok on a plane???




  1. Yes, but I am never doing it because i am scared to!

  2. I don't know what the c**p a lionhead bunny is but any pet should be fine on an airplane.  If they are with the cargo vets usually recommend a sedative so they don't get scared and because the cargo area is as pressurized as the cabin they are fine.  You can purchase a seat for your animal and they can ride in a cage with you however before you go all gung ho on this idea remember this; if a passenger is allergic to the animal you will be asked to leave him or her behind.  So if you have a connecting flight, say in Texas, and a passenger gets on halfway through your trip you may have to leave Bugs behind or wait for a different flight.  Also when you 'ship' them with the baggage you have to pay for their space.  Call the airline and just ask their pet policy; find out what info is needed and what you need to do.

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