
Will my mallard ducks fly away from my yard and not return?

by Guest32165  |  earlier

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I have a pair of mallards and two pekin ducks. The mallards have flown out of my yard and around my complete house and back into there area. I am concerned that they will fly away and not return. I am against cutting there wings. can anyone help?




  1. Yes, regular non domestic mallards will fly away and possibly not return. Where did you get them from? Most places will only sell drakes, which is a domesticated breed that looks like mallards but are too heavy to fly long distances. They will fly a little but its usually close to the ground and they don't go very far.

  2. They could.  I am also against clipping wings but that is the only way to get them to stay nearby.  The might stay in your yard though, you never know.  I think most mallards leave for a while and then come back.  But I do know a couple people who's mallards flew away and never came back.  Your pekins will never leave though!

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