
Will my metabolism slow down?

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If I eat a lot less than I do now, but eat like 2 snacks in between 3 meals and horseback ride and jog will my metabolism slow down (exercise takes up to 2 1/2 hours total)? Will I gain weight this weight?




  1. your metabolism is how quickly you digest your food. Your metabolism will slow down over time, there isn't anything you can do to slow it down on demand; but you do need to exercise, so your body will be used to it and so that you'll be in shape when it slows up.  

  2. As you age your metabolism will slow down.  Accept it.

    Then you will die.

  3. no you wont

  4. If you eat less than you need with no exercise your metabolic rate slows.

    If you exercise your metabolic rate raises due to increased muscle which 'eats' more energy even at rest than the same weight at fat.

    So what you're asking is which force will be the strongest, the lower calories or the exercise, I think the exercise will probably take the lead if it's that much, but you must remember to include rest days.  

    Also your muscles won't build and recover if you don't include enough protein in your diet.  If you are undereating considerably and do get enough protein your body may decide it's more important to use that protein as an energy source rather than building muscles it's not sure you can support with reduced food.

    Hope this helps.  Good luck x

  5. NO, if you exercise that much in a day you NEED to eat more.

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