
Will my mom notice if tomorrow i i have mascara on?

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i found hers and i like it but should i ask if i can start wearing it?




  1. You dont have to ask unless your parents are really strict and are the type that wont let you.

    I dont think she would notice if it were hers but she mite notice you were wearing it if you put on more than three coats.

  2. I believe it's fairly universal that initially, girls will try on their mother's makeup.  Don't assume that because she didn't say anything it means she didn't notice.  Just taking it and using it may not show your mom how mature you are becoming and that alone may influence her against you using it.  

    To start a conversation, try asking how old your mom was when she started wearing mascara.  Then offer to buy your own but ask her opinion of what brands.  It may also help if you ask her to instruct you on application.  Most mom's like to help.

  3. It depends on how much mascara you have on, but your mom will most likely notice, especially up close. You should ask her if you can start wearing some but you sound a little young.

  4. it depends on your lashes. mine are black and long so it doesnt really make much of a difference on me.  

  5. Depends on the colour. But honestly you don't need to ask permission to wear makeup. I mean, yeah, ask permission to wear HER makeup (which you shouldn't do, bacteria wise I mean lol) but just be like "hey mom, could you buy me a tube of mascara?" then start wearing it.

    If you feel uncomfortable abuot the subject, which for some reason I did (I think because I am so closed off from my family and my mom kept pushing me to actually START wearing makeup!) I just bought my own makeup, put it on before school and tried hiding my face from her so she wouldn't see me wearing it, then eventually me wearing makeup was just about as normal as showering or wearing socks lol.

  6. if you need to ask to wear make up..then your too young.

  7. Ask her. She'll probably say yes.

    If she doesnt i don't think she'd notice anyway.

  8. yeah she will.  

  9. i think she only have to ask her, she will be happy to help her to wear it (maybe :)) anyway ask her and that's it

  10. I think you should ask her first since it is hers, but she would not notice in anyway if you put it on right, dont clump it on because then you can see it a mile away just use a little bit to extend your lashes she would notice something is different but would never realize what

  11. if you don't ask, it's stealing.  and rude.  just ask her when she thinks you're old enough to wear make-up.  you may be old enough in her book.

    oh. considering she's been looking at your face since birth, she'll definitely notice if you go 'raccoon eyes' on her.

  12. ask before you take.. and dont wear it if she dosent let u.  

  13. you should ask if you can wear mascara and eyeliner and a lot of make up i have always been aloud to wear make up so i never went through this.

  14. just ask her and if not ask if you can buy your own. dont just start wearing it cos shell notice and might not let you buy your own

  15. YES she will notice. when i was younger my friends used to wash off their makeup before their moms got back from work.

    they can notice mainly if they havnt approved of you of wearing make up.

    if you know she wont make it a big deal just tell her you want to wear a tiny bit of mascara to look more feminine


  16. so i know you are 12 so i think you are old enough to wear make up but ask her first but dont whine or yell so she will thin k you are mature enough

  17. firstly consider what you think she woud say. if shes strict probably no. she probably wouldnt notice but its always good to ask. act mature about it tho. no whining or begging. lol. responsibility always works.

  18. Don't share mascara with anyone - even your mum.  Just ask her to buy you some, I'm sure she will.

  19. She will notice. You should tell her that you want to wear mascara and see if she will let you.  

  20. youre too young.  

  21. Ask her (:

    i was your age when i started wearing mascara and i never asked lol but you definately should ask .

    She will probly buy some for you ! and u will feel better not trying to hide it from her (:

    good luck!

  22. you are a girl.

    your mother shouldnt say anything unless you are too young.

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