
Will my network exist if I remove my pc?

by  |  earlier

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I have a pc with two laptops networked to it at home. I use broadband and a belkin router. My pc is now old and I want to either just use my laptops or buy a new pc. If I remove my pc from the network.........what do I have to do so my laptops will work??? will they work anyway?? or will I have to pay someone to come out and sort it out for me? liekwise, will buying a new pc make it more complicated? thanks for your help




  1. The laptops are being fed by the PC. If you remove your pc from the network the laptops will cease to work. You need to plug the router itself into one of the laptops or get another pc and reinstall the router on the laptop and add the other laptop to the network so it is being fed through the laptop with the router. All wireless internet connections need to be fed from a source and you need to set that source up with the router. Using your laptop as a source will severely impair its mobility being connected to a router and all and it will always have to be on. I suggest getting another PC.

  2. It depends on how you have it all set up now. Your 3 computers all belong to the same "group" I assume so you network is still there. I have almost the exact set up as you 1 desktop and 2 laptops connected to a Linksys router. I can use any pc to access the internet without the others being on. Yours should be the same way, if so, you are good to go.

    If however you have internet access setup thru one pc (I don't recommend this setup) that pc must be available.

    It's very simple to check. Unplug the cat5 cable from the pc you want to remove. If all still works you're OK.

    Installing a new pc to your network means simply joining it to your exsisting group and assigning any shares you want. And, of course connecting via cat5.

  3. If you use a router, so the internet connection will go via router. So if you remove the old PC, will not have any effect on the internet since the settings are saved in the router

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