
Will my partner be able to get a passport and travel if he has a court date?

by  |  earlier

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we are due to go to mexico in a few weeks .....over a year ago my partner drink drove (stupid i know, i am still mad with him) he got 12 points on his licence, £250 fine and community hours, he paid his fine but never did the hours so there was a warrant out for his arrest, he handed himself in a few week ago and is due in court a week before we go away, we haven't got his passport back yet but apparantly its with the examiners. Do you they think they will lock him away? or will he be re-punished, he paid his fine with no problems....its just the community hours as he works away alot.

I'm worried were not going to be able to go on holiday and its cost a fortune...




  1. Why did you let him tuen himself in? DOG Chapman might have come afer him! IDIOT!

  2. yea but he will get a ticket if he eaves the country

  3. Glad to see you have your priorities straight.

  4. I think you should cancel your trip, He is in violation of probation and they will not let him leave the county much less the Country...

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