
Will my pictures/videos ever be deleted by tinypic?

by  |  earlier

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for example, if i post my photos/videos in mylivejournal account, or in other places on the web, will they stay there forever? i'd like to be able to look back into my livejournal in a couple years and still be able to watch my videos and view my pictures.

if they'll eventually be deleted off tinypic, are there any other sites that will hold my data forvever? (photobucket/youtube)

the only reason why i don't want to upload them to my photobucket/youtube is because i'm afraid one day i won't be able to log into my page or remember my password, which is why it's much easier to use tinypic because you don't need an account.

PLEASE help!




  1. I'm not sure because sometimes I view MySpace layouts and the background will say the TinyPic is no longer available. Try

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