
Will my probation officer let me move to another county

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Here's the thing. I started making arrangements to move because my lease is up and I have a great opportunity to move closer to my job. I found out after I made arrangements to move that my PO has to give me permission to move first. I did not know I needed her permission. What I am wondering is, is there any reason why she would not let me move? It will be in a different county where I will be living. I called and left her a message on Friday because she is out of her office until Monday, but I'm totally stressing now because we already put our notice in where we live now and we accepted the new place. I don't want her to be mad and think I did this behind her back. Any feedback would be great.




  1. no  

  2. most likely not but it is worth a try ;)

  3. I am training to be a PO now.  I know for a fact that you can move to different counties, however, you MUST meet with her or talk to her to let her know about the change and SHE will need to make the transfer request.  It will be up to the other county if they will accept you.  Im sure it will not be a problem.  Im not sure where these other ppl get there info from...but just because you are on probation does not mean you cannot move from your current residence.  Its when you need to leave the state that will cause some issues, but still would be a transfer.  But your po will have to do the transfer.  Dont stress its no big deal.  We do it all the time in our office... so try not to worry about it and talk to her on monday, and you will see everything will be okay.  Hope this helps...stay outta trouble :)

  4. i had trouble leaving the state. i seriously doubt he will let you leave the country. it really depends tho. it depends on what the charge was, whether or not you have been paying your probation, following rules and your probation officer. i honestly dont believe he will let you go seeing as how there would be nowhere for you to report to in another country. your best bet is to see if you can have your probation terminated as in finished

  5. There is a good chance if you have been cooperative with your PO and done most of the things you were suppose to during your probation that he/she will allow you to. The only thing you can do is ask and see if it's possible. Just explain to the PO that you need to be closer to work because of the cost of the commute. I honestly wouldn't tell him/her you've given notice already because then it might look like you expect him/her to say yes.  

  6. It depends on what your on probation for if its a felony then prob not but if its sometthing not bad then i geusse so

  7. if ur still on probation, maybe. depending on the severity of the crime

    if the probation is unsupervised, shouldnt be a problem. if its supervised, check into getting your probation office changed and write an appeal or go through the necessary paperwork. but by all means, its possible

  8. I didn't have any problems getting a transfer to another county.  She just transferred my case to that particular district.  It's really not a big deal.

  9. I wish you luck,, but as you know our judicial system is set up to destroy people in any way they can.  

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