
Will my psychologist tell my parents?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and i may be going to a psychologist for anxiety i was wondering if i tell her about my cutting will she tell my parents? i would die if they ever found out.




  1. By law they shouldn't be able to because its part of patient confidentiality. But you can alway check, but I'm pretty sure they can't say anything

  2. doctors should keep everything private to just u and her/him. but if they are stupid like some doctors and tell ur parents then you might have a problem.

  3. Legally they do as you're 15, that might be wrong depending on your location.

    But it depends on the person you're seeing, if they understand you they won't tell, if they want to do what's best they'll think that telling is the best thing.

    Here's an idea, if you stop cutting yourself you won't have to worry about your parents finding out, you won't have to tell a psychologist and you won't be looked down upon for abusing the only body you have.

  4. maybe..but all i know is that they tell everything to the parents...unless you tell them to keep it a secret

  5. No she can't.

    Everything you say will not be repeated, unless you say it can be.

  6. When you see her ask her what she's allowed to tell your parents.

    Usually it is only in cases where your life is in danger they are allowed to tell anyone.

  7. well quit cutting yourself  

  8. I don't think she can but ask her.  But Ruby don't you think you need to tell them anyway.  That's not good.  If you are smart enough to seek out a psychologist.  You are smart enough to tell someone in your family who can help you.  Nobody wants someone they love to be in a bad place like that.

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