
Will my rabbit be ok plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help?

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well i have breed her with the same male they a both rex but she is much biger every rex we ever got was biger than it suposed to and the male was the first won to be realy small so i put them together and let them do ther stuff as soon as she got in she went down he started as soon as she got in so in 28 days will she give birth i made a nest box and have newspaper shaves ready and how many will she have as a minirex and can you put info on mini rex breeding plzzzz help




  1. Okay its normally 31 days there gestation period,but 28 can happen.

    The normal size litter is about 3-9 babies,but more than 9  or less than 3 is still an occurrence.The female rex might not use the nest-box NONE of mine did,i gave them the choice,the breeders of the rabbits i have got didn't use/provide nest boxes. The mother will happily make a snug nest in a corner of the cage. I find all they tend to do is pee in the nest box.

    When she is about 12-14 days into her pregnancy you will be able to tell if she is pregnant or not. This is how: First(when she is 12-14 days into her pregnancy) place her on a flat surface & feel her lower abdomen(between her back legs) Gently do this,if she is pregnant you should be able to feel hard,marble sized lumps/balls inside her. Her stomach will also be taught.If not you won't feel a thing.

    When the litter arrive roughly 31 days later,leave her without touching them for 12-24 hours,just to let her settle down. Though the young(Kits) CAN be touched/handled since birth,as the mother knows human smell(doesn't even need to be you),after the hours stated above,check on the kits,to make sure they are all healthy & well,they should be fairly plump. In the first week of their life they will start to grow hair,this is the time you will be able to start knowing what colours they will be.They will still be in the nest until they are about 2-3 weeks old,2 weeks being the earliest. You can properly start to handled them when they are about 3 weeks.They MUST stay with their mother(Dam) until at least 7-8 week but NO earlier than that i personally wait until they are 8- sometimes 9 weeks,old.Basically until the mother can't tolerate them anymore(normally 8-9 weeks old).

    They should have a high protein mix or pellets,not just a normal adult mix. Hay is also VERY important to feed them,alfalfa or timothy or a good quality  meadow hay is fine. Extra water is needed for the mother & kits(when 2-3 weeks) so remember to check the water ATLEAST twice a day,or whenever you are out there. Don't feed any or many greens as kits stomach are very sensitive to new foods.

    A cage/hutch for a dam & kits should be at least 4ft by 3ft preferly 6ft by 2ft,is best! Rexes are really just like any other breed of rabbit,just a different coat the only thing is for rexes is to provide extra bedding as they can easily get "sore hocks" due to there different coats.

    Hope this helps & good luck with your your new litter. x*x

  2. She may have 3 to 6 babies.

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