
Will my rats whickers grow back??

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Ok so I forgot that I had a lit candle, stupid i know, because I dont light them often. Well my rat got into the candle and burnt her whiskers off, not all of them, but a couple.

will they grow back? How long do you think it'll take?

I feel so bad. She's all scared now =[

Im atleat happy it wasnt worse, atleast it was just her whiskers and not her face




  1. awww :(

    my cat used to do that all the time he would walk across the gas hob while it was on and burn all his wiskers off! they never grew back propa just lil stubbs

    (dont light cannles again!!!)

  2. They will grow back, don't worry, but it may take a little time, usually around two weeks, and as to what ratluver said, shes probly not in pain at all, whiskers do not have nerves in them, they provide feeling to the face because they are firmly rooted in the skin, so a rat can sense something with its whiskers because the whiskers touch something, which transfers motion to the skin...I did not explain that part very well but the point I'm trying to get across is that whiskers do not have nerves in them, so if they get broken off or burned off, it causes no pain to the rat

  3. If a rat's whiskers are shortened so that some are shorter than the others,then they're still functional, but are less useful than full-length whiskers. So, a rat with shortened whiskers may be impaired, but this is temporary. These short whiskers will eventually be shed, and new ones will grow to take their place. The rat's brain will re-adjust as he grows new whiskers.

    New whisker starts growing to replace the old one within 8-11 days of the loss.

    Take care:)

  4. i would not expect them to grow back. i would take your rat to the vet because whiskers are really sensitive and your rat is probably in a lot of pain. to gain her trust back offer her treats everyday and keep fire away from her. let her sniff your hand and give her some time to get over the trauma. and remember, never let your animals near fire again.

  5. well my dog always does that when we go camping because she chases the smoke from the fire. they usually melt off and curl up but they grow back again.

  6. Don't panic, your rat will be okay. Whiskers do grow back, it takes some time, but they will eventually. As long as it was only the whiskers that burned, you're in good shape. Please be more careful next time, accidents do happen, but most can be prevented. Hope this helped, goodluck!

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