
Will my relationship last through university?

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im 21 and have been seeing a girl who is 18 for 4 months now and she is leaving in september to go to university, now i will see her every weekend, and we are truley in love but do you think it will last through university ?




  1. if you two can still see each other in weekends then i don't think there will be a problem

  2. In my experience no, I'm afraid it won't. Sorry

  3. If you guys are truely in love then yes it will. Youll still be meeting up at weekends so its not like you wont see her regularly.

    If its just a puppy love you two have then chances are it might be fickle and things might take a turn for the worse - going to uni is a whole new life experience for her - and things often do change when someone goes through this, but if you're as loved up as you say you are then I dont see you having anything to worry about!


  4. Nothing is impossible if you work at it :)

  5. In my experience, no. The only people I know who stayed together from before uni all the way to graduation were Christians who were planning to get married right after uni.

    That and people who were just too unappealing to the opposite s*x to stand a chance of being unfaithful.

    That said, good luck! I'm sure you and your girlfriend will work it out...

  6. absolutely.... uni is just a hurdle!  in every relationship theres gotta be some bf and i broke up coz he hardly ever came to see me and when he did he put pressure on me having male friends the jealousy side of him got to me...  mine lasted 2 years in uni after a hard time,

    but provided u have an open mind and accept theres gonna be male friends and communicate with her lots and see her lots she wont stray at be understanding coz she has the same worries as u if not more and right now she needs all the support and encouragement u can give her!

    no reason y it shouldnt work out, after all shes with u isnt she no one else!!

    laugh lots, enjoy her when u see her and make surprise visits, remind her of all ur good times ;)

  7. 4months isnt that long, but if you two love each other like you say then im sure you can make it work.

    But the two of you have to be totally commited to making it work and be happy with it. If its only one person or if one persons finding it hard then its just going to end.

    Yourve got to both really want it!

    Good luck!

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