
Will my school test for marijuana?

by  |  earlier

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i smoked marijuana on sunday august 17, 2008 and i have a "physical" for going to high school on wednesday, august 27th 2008. will they test for marijuana? if so, will they notice it? also would they not let me go to the school, or tell my parents or something?




  1. Why would they drug test?  You have to order that specially, they don't just do it.  Marijuana stays in your body for 30 days, stay in school yo.  LOL

  2. NO they won't

    The only way that they're allow 2 do it, is if U tell them 2 do so.

    Otherwise they won't & can't.

    So place U're pretty little mind at rest my little buddy cause U're TOTALLY SAFE.

    Good luck with the physical

  3. due to patient confidentiality they are not suppose to tell you parents. If they do you have to right to sue. It is against the law for a public high to keep a child away because of a failed drug test.

    hoped this help and don't stress  

  4. no, they aren't allowed to.

  5. Nah, man, you're cool. They can't test you for drugs unless they have a reason for it. But if they could, they would notice. Pot stays in the system for about a month, month and a half.

  6. you shouldn't do it at all, period.  it's dangerous and hurts you and the others around you.

    but no, they won't do that,  i am fairly sure they are not allowed to unless you or you parents ( or guardians)  request one.

  7. yes they probably will, marijuana burns up brains cells .

  8. okay you really shouldnt smoke. thats probably one of the stupidest things ever and girls really dont like that

  9. lol, how old r u, i think qa little tooo yung to be smoking if ur just entering high school..

    btw, was it some good s**t?? lol

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