
Will my sister ever be normal again?

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My sister went through Postpartum depression about 14 years ago. Her doctor gave her various anti-depresent drugs. She seemed to get worse. They switched her medication several times over the next four or five years. Then she developed Tardive dyskinesia, the doctor unwisely pulled her off of all of her medications in an unsupervised environment. She completely lost it, became violent, killed her cat, and other pets, and traumatized her three kids.

She was hospitalized for several months, and then let out when they said she was stable...

She has never become violent again, but she also has never really been herself since this. She sits alone in her apartment all day, and drinks frequently. She has no hope and says that the sooner she dies the better off she'll be.

Is there any chance I'll ever get my sister back?




  1. You might if you get her into treatment again. She sounds suicidal so I'd seek out help IMMEDIATELY.  

  2. It is sad to hear of your sister's condition.  It sounds like she is in a terrible state of mind.  Since she has been diagnosed with mental illness, her life has unfortunately taken a terrible course of action.  Although she sounds as if she no longer cares about living, you or some other family member needs to maintain communication with her.  Whatever it takes, even though she may be obnoxious, don't give up on her.  When the time is right, convince her to stop drinking.  Convince her she needs professional psychiatric services.  As your other responders stated, often times, the right agency can provided these for little or no cost, depending upon financial circumstances.  I would encourage you to make sure she gets the professional help she so dearly needs.  You can get your sister back, but it will take a serious commitment from you and your family.  God bless you and your family while you deal with these circumstances.

  3. tell her to stop the pills and walk her trough the reasons that she is depressed and if that makes her made i can help her because i used to be like that

    email me @

  4. Is she still seeing a doctor?  She should be.  Even if she isn't violent, it sounds like she's depressed.  She needs to be seeing someone who can try to help.

  5. Yes, there is a tremendous amount of hope for her.  But it will take time, and there's no better day to start then today!

    Her best chances of being herself again are having her loved ones at her side, to step in, to encourage her, and to help her seek proper treatment.

    It's very unfortunate that such serious issues can sometimes take multiple doctors, medications, and efforts to achieve the desired outcome.  But that just means it's all the more important to start immediately and to never accept an answer but absolute health!

  6. Unfortunately, and this is not my medical opinion as I know your sister not, the type of treatment you describe is very experimental.  Sometimes one pharmaceutical will help and sometimes it doesn't.  I do not understand the reason for pulling back on all treatment, as described above.

    Little is really known about this type of depression and you mentioned a diagnosis but, again, I do not know the patient.  Perhaps there is a methodology that could help her significantly, but she would need to frequent a competent psychiatrist.  Perhaps if you are near a university medical center, you might try there.

    You will never have the sister you knew returned to you.  Onset of mental illness often happens in the late 20s early 30s.  It becomes a lifelong battle, for the patient as well as their loved ones.  Please take my advise and have your sister to a university medical center.  One that specialises in the experimental treatment of depression.  

    Good luck and God bless.

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