
Will my snake get attached 2 my sister?

by  |  earlier

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i just got a snake but my sister will be playing with him everyday and im gone for a week or so, he wouldn't get like attached 2 her would he?




  1. Snakes do not form attachments- they are not capable of it.

  2. It is your snake. You should know more about it than anyone else.

  3. No because snakes don't have very good memory and won't remember her and snakes don't really like humans anyways because out skin is warm and they are cold blooded and they just don't like humans that much.

    Hope that helps!


  4. Probably not. Snakes will however, get use to a persons scent so that would be the only thing he would get "attached" to.

  5. No, snakes don't form attachments or bonds, they just learn to tolerate.

    Snakes are not a gregarious species so in an evolutionary sense have no need to. This is why the development of emotional attachment on another has not been formed.

  6. i dont think so

  7. are snakes able to develop attachments to humans? i don't think so.

    but if they can, when you get back, make sure you spend a lot of time with it every day.

  8. Just make sure you spend time with him when you get back, he wont know your scent right away, but he will remember.

  9. mabey if he likes her ya if he doesn't nope depends on the way she handles him when i play wit my snake me and my friend switch off so i can idk just turn the radio on or somethign or we take it outside and play it likes my friend jessica (12)   and me (14) but it gets a little frantic with are other friend kayla (10) it mite be age difrences  but we take it out all the time and we all live on the same street so it cool i would just tell ur sister to be gental with it and stuff like that

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