
Will my son get chicken pox?

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on tuesday my son was at childminders as usual, the next day i was informed that her daughter had started to get chicken spots.

my son goes to childminders 2 days a week, and has also been round my friends child, whom to had started to get them, but my son didn't get them.(this was about 3 motnhs ago)

he has always been round children and even my nephew has just had foot and mouth but i believe may have been chicken pox.

im really worried as we are due to fly out on the 15th.

i have worked it out that if he was too get them then it would be two weeks from the time her daughter had them that would leave 5 days left for him to have the spots, could these clear up in that time or have i calculated this wrong .

do you think he may get them




  1. Just let him get chicken pox.  You catch it once and then your body becomes immune to it.

  2. Chicken pox has a 21 day incubation period so if he is going to get them it will be within this time. It is probably better to get them now as they are worse the older people get. Rhus tox cream is excellent to put on the spots as it takes the itch out  

  3. The incubation period of chickenpox (time taken for the chickenpox spots to appear) can range from 10 to 21 days, although most children develop spots within 15 days.

    It takes about 5 to 7 days for an infected child to stop developing new lesions. Once all lesions are crusted he's no longer infective, by 2-3 days after the last lesion has appeared.

    This calculation means that the minimum period for him to become symptom-free would be the 15th, but the maximum period may be up to the 22nd or the 25th.

    If feasible, maybe you should consider postponing your flight tickets to after the 25th so that you're not worried about him developing chickenpox just as you are getting ready to leave.  

  4. No one can really give you an accurate answer to this.

    Chicken pox is contagious before the spots come out. I remember chicken pox 'going round' when I was a child. My brother was one of the first kids on the street to get it but I didn't catch it until a couple of months later. I only remember that because it was over the summer, he was ill before the 6 week holiday and i wasn't ill until we had gone back to school.

    If your son has been in contact with a couple of children and not got them there is a good chance  his immune system has already been triggered so he won't get them.

    just keep your fingers crossed.

  5. He may very well be immune but if he does get this he will be infectious until the spots dry up (this can take up to 2 weeks)

  6. You only get it once and the sooner you get it at a younger age the better, its over with.

    I on the other hand have never had chicken pox, maybe he never will, its just one of those things like the flu you either get it or you dont but its better to get it when its around than suffer later.

  7. He is very likely to get it............ But, it is much better for him to get it while he is young... if this can comfort you!

  8. If he;'s anything like my son he won't. The whole preschoo and their brothers and sisters had chicken pox within a couple of months, only my son didnt get it, my cousins children had it bad and he was always playing with them, but still didnt get it. He's almost 6 and still hsnt has anything along the lines of chicken pox/measels etc. Apparently this can happen and they can go through life never getting anything.

    Good luck and I hope he's stays spot free for your hol!


  9. As teddy says, it's highly infectious and he probably will. However the Law of Sod says he'll be lucky and not catch it at all. Some children seem to go through life without catching a thing - keep everything crossed.

  10. as its a highly contagious disease i do.

    when i was a child, parents used to take you others houses where children  who had it, so you would get it, they knew that if you didn;t and caught it much later, i.e teen or worse an adult then its a whole lot worse. I had it as a kid because of that, everyone got it as children, and those that didn't, some were just plain lucky, and others i know had it as adults and were often very sick indeed.

  11. he may be immune!! my husband and 3 children all contracted it at the same time and i had them all poorly together, i have NOT had them... and i did NOT catch them even though there was 4 people in the house with them. I asked my doctor about this and he said if i didn't get them then i possibly never will !!! apparently some people are immune to the actual disease but they can be carriers and pass the illness on. this could be the reason why your son never got them. If he was going to get them he would have by now. looks to me like he's a carrier. the illness is at its most contagious before the spots appear he would be showing signs by now !  

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