
Will my teacher in my Play-writing course give me a good grade on my skit?

by Guest33444  |  earlier

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This is part of a series of conversations with Nursing Home Residents.

Tuesday Lunch With the “Girls”

At the Old Folks Home (9/2/08)


Elaine: Driver/Volunteer

Louise: Ambulatory Resident

Virginia: Ambulatory Resident

Setting: A table at McDonald’s

Elaine: Well, Ladies, are you ready for a poem?

Louise: Did you bring the kitty or the spider?

Virginia: I hope you brought the spider.

I’m not afraid of them any more.

E: As a matter of fact, I brought

something I found on the Internet.

L: What kind of net is that?

V: Are you stupid or what?

She means on the computer!

L: Well, if it’s on the computer,

how come it’s in her hand?

E: I asked the computer to print it for me.

L: And it listened to you?

V: Everyone listens to her!

E: That’s what YOU think!

But here’s the poem:

(Reads, the ladies listen to the end)

‘A wise and weary child, not mine…’

(Silence for a few seconds at the end of the reading)

V: My daughter said I act like a child.

L: I’m old, but everyone treats me like a child.

I’m weary, too.

V: Oh! Look at the time. We’re gonna miss Bingo.

L: Well, at least that poem isn’t by the poor crazy

guy who thinks he lives on Mars.

E: I HATE to tell you this, but…




  1. The Girls are in good form as always.  They're so lucky to have you!  And I have to agree with Mixtli, what will they say when you explain about the "guy who thinks he lives on Mars".  Keep us updated!

  2. (clicks on link and reads the poem) i feel like i was sitting at the table.

  3. I'm getting flashes of acrostic elves and selves and elvie and elvis as I read that. lol (it's ok folks it's just a Jellz thing)

    It is sure to be another hit at the Play group. "everyone listens to her" is a beautiful truth uttered in innocence.

    great read, very funny.  

  4. YES!!  Very interesting. Tell us more.

  5. With stuff like that,

    ya gotta be teacher's pet!

    This is only the second I've seen of the series,

    and I can't wait for the next!  Cheers!


  6. I can't wait to hear you explain to them more about the Martian--their never going to believe you.  

  7. If I were you're teacher (ironically it's the other way around) I'd give you an A+!

    I do so love Virginia and Louise...and you, of course!

  8. With this story, even the most hardened of teachers would warm up!!!,,,I loved the story, especially "L" She is a classic!!!  

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