
Will my teeth be clean and normal and not yellow in 8 weeks if i do this??????

by  |  earlier

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my gums are kinda puffy and are inflamed, my teeth have also turned a tad yellow. if i brush my teeth with whitening toothpaste, and floss and mouthwash 2 times a day, will my teeth get white and my gums not inflamed again?

ps. i have not been brushing much lately and have braces




  1. hopefully id try it

  2. I had exactly the same problem and took a long time to work it out!

    Teeth grinding (the proper name is bruxism) can not only be irritating - it can be dangerous, too.

    My name is Charles Harrison. Throughout my childhood, I would grind my teeth at night. By the time I was 9, you could notice that my teeth were as flat as if they were filed down!

    At 12 years old, I finally found a dentist who understood the damage I was causing to myself. He explained to me that it was called bruxism and he helped me understand why it was so important to stop.

    He fitted me with a $500 “night guard” to protect my teeth while I sleep. I could tell that I was still grinding my teeth while wearing this device, because I could see dents and grind marks on the night guard.

    Then one day, I discovered I had lost my night guard. So, I bought a sports mouth guard. Guess how long this lasted me?


    When I realized nobody could help me, I decided to help myself.

    I would begin by testing myself to find out what helped and what didn’t.

    It took me a few months to perform the tests on myself because I let each test go for a few days to see more accurate results.

    And you know what?

    By making some simple life changes and performing daily 2-minute exercises, I saw a dramatic improvement.

    I discovered there is a Way to Stop grinding your teeth at night.

    See my website at for free information.

    Charles Harrison

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